Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week Six: Chicken Saltimbocca (Sorta)

Here is the first of the two recipes I promised for this week!

Anyone who has ever eaten with me, knows I LOVE pork products. Prosciutto is one my favorites. This preparation is an economical choice because you don't need a lot of this pricey product to make an expensive seeming dinner. (It also seems kinda fancy, but it's really easy to make.) I took inspiration from the version of this classic that I found on Food Republic. Of course, I tweaked it using tenders rather than whole chicken breasts and using a little more prosciutto than the original recipe. I also finish the cooking in the oven because I prefer to keep the chicken breasts a little thicker than is usually recommended.

Chicken Sorta Saltimbocca

Fresh Ingredients
One pound chicken tenders (about six)
Fresh sage
1/4 pound very thinly sliced prosciutto

Pantry Ingredients
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken broth or stock
Canola oil

1.) Pound your chicken tenders out so they are about 1/4" thick. Lightly salt the tenders and lay them flat. Lay one to two large sage leaves directly on the tender. Wrap tenders in one thin slice of prosciutto. (This is a divergence from a classical prep in which you only put the pig on top. I like the wrap so you get more of that salty, fatty deliciousness.) Repeat with all tenders and put in the fridge for ten minutes or more so they can set up.

2.) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and start heating a thin layer of canola oil in a saute pan. Lightly dredge the wrapped tenders in a mixture of flour and pepper. Working in two batches, brown the tenders and crisp the prosciutto on both sides. (This takes just a few minutes per side.) Place browned tenders on a baking sheet and bake until chicken is cooked through. (This takes about ten minutes or so.)

3.) While the chicken is finishing in the oven, pour off the extra oil from the saute pan and deglaze with the wine. Let the boozy smell cook off for a minute or so and then add the chicken stock. Boil over high heat to reduce for a sauce. When the chicken is cooked through, top with the sauce and enjoy.

Eat Up!

Tomorrow is crock pot lentil soup...

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